Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #62CA in topic Report site bugs here

Background Pony #62CA
In the "[search syntax":](/pages/search_syntax) page, the text @`"width:1920"@` in the section about Escaping Special Characters has the wrong link: it links to "[=="faved\_by:k\_a"==]":(/search?q=%22faved_by%3ak_a%22) instead.

Some posts have invisible characters in their source URLs: I've already encountered (and fixed) twone that had a line break at the end, and "[found two":](/search?q=source_url%3A%3F) where a line break is the entire string. I don't know how to search for other possible manifestations...

Am I doing it wrong, or shouldn't "[the query @`search_url:[==\*\\?\*==`]@":(/search?q=source_url%3A*%5C%3F*) find posts which have a question mark in their source URLs? (it doesn't)
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #62CA