Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #6ABD in topic MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread

Background Pony #6ABD
"[@Background Pony #51DA":](/forums/pony/topics/mlp-g5-discussion-and-speculation-thread?post_id=4973142#post_4973142
We don't know for sure that the TV rating would truly be any higher (it was just in "throwing ideas around" leaked emails from three years ago) but even if it will be I think it would be more of an issue of other countries. It might have to be the sorta thing with plausible deniability or the sort of thing you could censor out to have that wider reach.
It would be cool if they took the risk and put in more prominent LGBT+ tho. A lot of LGBT+ fans connect to the ponies for various reasons so it would be cool.
(Thank you for being chill about this guys, last time I brought up having more LGBT+ rep in MLP on Derpibooru it turned into a shitshow).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6ABD
Background Pony #6ABD
"@Background Pony #51DA":/forums/pony/topics/mlp-g5-discussion-and-speculation-thread?post_id=4973142#post_4973142
We don't know for sure that the TV rating would truly be any higher (it was just in "throwing ideas around" leaked emails from three years ago) but even if it will be I think it would be more of an issue of other countries. It might have to be the sorta thing with plausible deniability or the sort of thing you could censor out to have that wider reach.
It would be cool if they took the risk and put in more prominent LGBT+ tho. A lot of LGBT+ fans connect to the ponies for various reasons so it would be cool.
(Thank you for being chill about this guys, last time I brought up having LGBT+ rep in MLP on Derpibooru it turned into a shitshow).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #6ABD