Viewing last 25 versions of post by Revan0123 in topic WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA





*Gerald, not realizing the plant entity had an eye on him, kept on moving to the valley exit. He soon came across another part of the forest that was noticeably darker than the rest*

Gerald: "As if the Manticore and weird plant creature wasn't enough, now it feels like I'm about to enter Mirkwood with the little amount of light" **He looks back** "Still, it's the only to keep everyone else safe"

*Gerald started moving through the dark area of the forest*


*Delta Squad, after careful treading, made their way past the thin cliffside*

Night Hunter (Boss): **Notices what the plant entity is doing** "Sev, can you get a closer look?"

Fang Hunter (Sev): "On it" **He pulls out his sniper rifle to look down the scope** "Sir, it seems the entity is...attempting to intimidate the Manticore"

Night Hunter (Boss): "Intimidate?"

Fang Hunter (Sev): "Yes sir. It seems to be controlling some sort of field around itself and is using it to cut the ground with...flower petals?"

Thunder Force (Scorch): "Petals?" **Scoffs** "Talk about one aggressive gardener..."

Rapid Haste (Fixer): "If this creature is keeping the Manticore at bay, Gerald must be using this as a diversion to move on to the exit of the valley. We gotta keep the move on them, sir"

Thunder Force (Scorch): "Wait, now hold up, Fixer. What's to say this weird plant pony is a friendly or not?"

Night Hunter (Boss): "Nothing...stay frosty, Deltas. This could get ugly"

*They tread lightly as they made their way down into the valley**
No reason given
Edited by Revan0123




*Gerald, not realizing the plant entity had an eye on him, kept on moving to the valley exit. He soon came across another part of the forest that was noticeably darker than the rest*

Gerald: "As if the Manticore and weird plant creature wasn't enough, now it feels like I'm about to enter Mirkwood with the little amount of light" *He looks back* "Still, it's the only to keep everyone else safe"

*Gerald started moving through the dark area of the forest*


*Delta Squad, after careful treading, made their way past the thin cliffside*

Night Hunter (Boss): *Notices what the plant entity is doing* "Sev, can you get a closer look?"

Fang Hunter (Sev): "On it" *He pulls out his sniper rifle to look down the scope* "Sir, it seems the entity is...attempting to intimidate the Manticore"

Night Hunter (Boss): "Intimidate?"

Fang Hunter (Sev): "Yes sir. It seems to be controlling some sort of field around itself and is using it to cut the ground with...flower petals?"

Thunder Force (Scorch): "Petals?" *Scoffs* "Talk about one aggressive gardener..."

Rapid Haste (Fixer): "If this creature is keeping the Manticore at bay, Gerald must be using this as a diversion to move on to the exit of the valley. We gotta keep the move on them, sir"

Thunder Force (Scorch): "Wait, now hold up, Fixer. What's to say this weird plant pony a friendly or not?"

Night Hunter (Boss): "Nothing...stay frosty, Deltas. This could get ugly"

*They tread lightly as they made their way down into the valley*
No reason given
Edited by Revan0123