Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #F40D in topic Request artist tag aliases here

Background Pony #F40D
[artist:saltycatt](/tags/artist-colon-saltycatt), [artist:nysoiscool](/tags/artist-colon-nysoiscool) -> [artist:birdbiscuits](/tags/artist-colon-birdbiscuits)

[dA name change from saltycatt to birdbiscuits](, dA links to [Twitter URL nysoiscool, title "birdbiscuits"](

Punctuation not used yet in tags: [Instagram bird_biscuits](


[artist:nidexiaozhu](/tags/artist-colon-nidexiaozhu) -> [artist:ahchun](/tags/artist-colon-ahchun)

The sources for posts tagged "artist:ahchun" are on a [bcy account]( with the same username as the [Twitter URL nidexiaozhu]( - there is no direct link, but the Twitter account posts the same images without automatic watermark, at a higher res than bcy serves unwatermarked images, but not at the full res hosted on bcy which leads me to believe both accounts are legitimate.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #F40D