Viewing last 25 versions of post by 14Fan in topic Jack of all Trades

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Star ight
EJ: A pretty common question I get asked a lot is “What do you do if you have to pee in the car?” I will admit, at first, I didn’t know what to do. My first race at LMartins Vvillegas, I drank A LOT of water. And about half-way, it caught me. I said on the radio “Boys I gotta pee” and my spotter said “Don’t worry about that, you’ll be fine.” I remember I really tried not to wet the seat because since I was new, I didn’t know what potentially wetting the seat would do. But eventually after some feedback from my crew chief, I pushed that out of my mind and went on to win the race. We actually got a red flag after about 25 laps and once we were told we could get out of our trucks, I got out as quick as I could and ran to the porta-potty and I vowed to NEVER hydrate before a race unless ordered to. And that was like sweet-relief so sweet it game me the win.
No reason given
Edited by 14Fan