Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #DA54 on image #1369925

Background Pony #DA54
>:-( THAT'S MY WAIFU! Great! Just great! I lost Twilight as my waifu since Equestria Girls 1-4! Now, I'm gonna lose Fluttershy as my new and approved waifu! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! I swear, if this comic is Canon to season 7, I AM GOING TO BE SO PISSED! Thanks a lot Hasbro! Thanks a lot IDW comic book! And most importantly... THANKS A FREAKING LOT SEASON 7! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You have completely made me feel depressed again! I had high hopes for this season, and you RUINED IT! Thanks ya lout shfor makippng mers, hfeel like crappy againow! HAPPY NOW!?
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Edited by Background Pony #DA54
Background Pony #DA54
>:-( THAT'S MY WAIFU! Great! Just great! I lost Twilight as my waifu since Equestria Girls 1-4! Now, I'm gonna lose Fluttershy as my new and approved waifu! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! I swear, if this comic is Canon to season 7, I AM GOING TO BE SO PISSED! Thanks a lot Hasbro! Thanks a lot IDW comic book! And most importantly... THANKS A FREAKING LOT SEASON 7! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You have completely made me feel depressed again! I had high hopes for this season, and you RUINED IT! Thank you shippers, happy now!?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #DA54