Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #FBC7 on image #3024337

Background Pony #FBC7
> And now I’m the bad guy because this AI artist can’t bother fixing Luna’s left eye, Or wing that merge’s with her body?
I think these are absolutely valid things to point out, and maybe it'll help people improve and be better (or "actual") artists.

When I first started publishing my own things years ago I was ecstatic because I didn't even know all these different digital drawing tools even existed, like layers or pen stabilization or vector lines (I'd honestly not drawn anything since I was a toddler), and I rushed in and brute forced my way into making "pretty things" and ignored all the errors and fundamental problems because I was too excited about putting something I had in my head onto a screen I could look at again and show others.

But over time I learned how to do things better, learned perspective and anatomy and color theory and a whole lot of other things I didn't know about when I started and actually matter. And there's loads more I need to learn and enjoy learning and improving!

Right now we're seeing a lot of people dabbling with new tools that let them express themselves, and the majority are too excited and happy that "it looks good!" to care about the all the errors or even _why_ something looks right or wrong. Most will move on after finally scratching that "itch", but a lot will actually want to improve and learn and understand what all the art fundamentals are. It's happened with so many other things; just in this fandom, there are hundreds of people that started using crappy DA "bases" and just to be able to see their OCs, but over time learned to actually draw things on their own and can be rightfully proud of what they create.

But aside from all that... please don't let a few rabid, loud or headstrong idiots get to you, they don't deserve the attention.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #FBC7
Background Pony #FBC7
> And now I’m the bad guy because this AI artist can’t bother fixing Luna’s left eye, Or wing that merge’s with her body?
I think these are absolutely valid things to point out, and maybe it'll help people improve and be better (or "actual") artists.

When I first started publishing my own things years ago I was ecstatic because I didn't even know all these different digital drawing tools even existed, like layers or pen stabilization or vector lines (I'd honestly not drawn anything since I was a toddler), and I rushed in and brute forced my way into making "pretty things" and ignored all the errors and fundamental problems because I was too excited about putting something I had in my head onto a screen I could look at again and show others.

But over time I learned how to do things better, learned perspective and anatomy and color theory and a whole lot of other things I didn't know about when I started and actually matter. And there's loads more I need to learn and enjoy learning and improving!

Right now we're seeing a lot of people dabbling with new tools that let them express themselves, and the majority are too excited and happy that "it looks good!" to care about the all the errors or even _why_ something looks right or wrong. Most will move on after finally scratching that "itch", but a lot will actually want to improve and learn and understand what all the art fundamentals are. It's happened with so many other things; just in this fandom, there are hundreds of people that started using crappy DA "bases" and just to be able to see their OCs, but over time learned to actually draw things on their own and can be rightfully proud of what they create.

But aside from all that... please don't let a few rabid, loud or headstrong idiots get to you, they don't deserve the attention.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #FBC7