Does Anypony Else feel like Punching Fluttershy?

Duck - Does Anypony Else even feel like Reading What I Say?
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*Durgon Noises*
As the title suggests, does anyone else feel like punching, slapping, or hitting her, especially after how she acted towards Rainbow Dash in Tanks For the Memories? I do. That was totally uncalled for and out of character for Fluttershy, and I’ll explain why.
Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have known each other since they were kids, and have had a long-lasting friendship stemming from it. Sure, they may poke fun at each other, but neither of them would do any harm to each other. Then Fluttershy decides to break Dashie’s heart and all of what I said earlier is thrown out the window.
I’ll just put this out right now: Fluttershy should never, EVER, act cruel or hateful to anypony-even her friends. If she does, then the pony she directed it towards will be heartbroken and they will despise her for it! Besides, being a cruel, hateful bitch is not part of Fluttershy’s character (If anything, that title goes to either Rainbow Dash or Applejack.), she’s supposed to be caring, compassionate, and most importantly, kind.
I apologize if I’m complaining about nothing, but it’s true! A true, true friend never hurts somepony’s feelings. Fluttershy should’ve apologized to Dash…but she didn’t. Heartless bitch
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No. You must’ve missed the Breezies ep, because what Fluttershy did is not only entirely in character for her since that episode, but at least as important, exactly the right thing to do for Rainbow Dash in that circumstance, just as kicking the Breezies out of her home was exactly the right thing to do to them.
Rainbow Dash was going to kill Tank. Tank needed to hibernate. If he did not hibernate, he would be in the ground for a lot more than one winter. Being kind to Rainbow Dash was not letting her stay in denial and kill Tank. Being kind to Rainbow Dash was knocking her out of it, then being there to comfort her. And Fluttershy knew it better than anypony. Kissing peoples’ asses to spare their feelings while making things worse for them is not kindness, it’s enabling and it’s weakness. Having the strength to do what needs to be done, because you care enough about them to hurt their feelings even though you don’t want to, is kindness.
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Ocellus is best buggo
Sometimes even friends need a hard slap of reality to get them back on track. Even someone like Fluttershy knows that.
Background Pony #DED2
I never liked Fluttershy and I never will, but she at least showed that she learned something this time. Just because she isn’t a meek little baby doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with her, nor does it make her unkind, it just proves she’s even kinder than if she just chickened out, it shows she cares enough to be harsh.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
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I'm outie 5000
It’s like all the whiners forget how much of a complete asshole Rainbow Douche was at the start of this episode or something….
Duck - Does Anypony Else even feel like Reading What I Say?
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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*Durgon Noises*
That’s because being an asshole/douche/jerk is part of Rainbow’s character. When she starts acting like that during an episode, many people just let it slide under the radar as RD being her usual self. Unless the episode is written by Merriwether Williams, of course.
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “cruel to be kind?”
That’s what Fluttershy was doing here. Her bluntness was pretty much the only way Rainbow Dash would be able to accept that Tank was going to be leaving her for a little while. And it shows that Fluttershy’s lesson from the Breezies episode (which was also basically “sometimes you have to be cruel in order to be kind”) actually stuck for once.
Duck - Does Anypony Else even feel like Reading What I Say?
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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*Durgon Noises*
Still, I consider it to be a rather dickish move on her part, and because of it I now officially hate Fluttershy. To me, she is nothing more than a cruel, heartless bitch who is too weak to defend herself outside of magical comic books, is a total coward towards giant mythical creatures, and only acts kind around others.  
Also her fanbase is a little on the oversensitive side when it comes to moments where someone makes her cry; think Griffon The Brush Off or Filli Vanilli.
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This, pretty much. Kindness is sometimes showing a friend how much they are hurting others. With friendship and life, sometimes you absolutely cannot avoid hurting a friend in one way or another. You can choose the least painful way, though. She could save Rainbow Dash’s feelings for the moment, but what it if it caused great harm to her pet? Dash clearly loves Tank. What if harm befell Tank, and then Rainbow learned that Fluttershy had the knowledge to save him, but didn’t? Would it hurt more now, or later? (Clearly, later is the case.)
Rainbow wasn’t upset at what Fluttershy told her. Rainbow was clearly in denial the whole episode. I think, on some level, Dash knew that Tank absolutely had to hibernate for the winter. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye just yet. She clearly had plans to spend time with her pet throughout the winter and have fun with him. When Fluttershy told Rainbow that Tank had to hibernate, hearing the words so plainly spoken forced Rainbow to face the reality she’d been trying to deny to herself.
Dash started crying because it’s hard to face the truth sometimes. Even though Dash knew it was the truth, it didn’t make it any easier. Basically, I think it would have ended up with Dash being really upset no matter who told her.
Interestingly, I noticed a trend among friends. When it comes to apologizing, it’s usually not necessary unless an apology is asked for. (I’d apologize for everything. It’s an effect of growing up around hyper-sensitive individuals, in a feeble attempt to head off irritating someone else. It seldom actually worked.)
Because Dashie knew it was the truth, and was willfully hiding from it because it was painful, I think she was more upset at herself than she ever was at Fluttershy. Seeing as Dash finally let Tank hibernate like he needs to, I think she just needed to face herself. I think that’s why she did not ask Fluttershy to apologize, and why I don’t think an apology was ever needed.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

You, my friend, are overreacting. Ever heard of the phrase “Be cruel to be kind”? That’s what Fluttershy was doing. She learned this lesson from the Breezie episode, where she had to be mean to the Breezies to make them leave her cottage or else they’d end up being stuck in Equestria, away from their real homes, for assumedly a long time.
Likewise, she had to be blunt to Rainbow Dash, so she could get her feelings out, suck it up, and allow Tank to hibernate. Because beforehand, Rainbow was willing to screw the rules of nature and everypony’s jobs so she could fulfill her own selfish needs which, while understandable, does not benefit anypony else in the slightest, not even the pet she was doing all that for.
Duck - Does Anypony Else even feel like Reading What I Say?
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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*Durgon Noises*
Well, until she does apologize to Rainbow, I’m just gonna dismiss every single act of kindness Fluttershy does as fake.
Also, in real life, Tough Love never solves any problems; it just creates new ones (EX: Kicking a child out of the house because they failed college.). Just thought I’d push that out before I go to sleep tonight.
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No, guy. Rainbow didn’t ask for an apology. When someone apologizes for something that didn’t need apologizing for, it cheapens the apology and may end up with others being more annoyed by you.
From my post above, tl;dr: Rainbow knew Tank had to hibernate all long, and it was facing the facts that made her upset, not Fluttershy’s words. Fluttershy has nothing to apologize for.
EDIT: It also is pretty apparent that you don’t post these topics here because you’re interested in discussion. It seems like you’re fishing for people who agree with you. If that isn’t your intent, please feel free to clarify.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Dude, you seriously have a twisted perspection on things. Wanting to do horrible things to a character, judging from your more recent images, all because she did something that was harsh, but likely needed to be said, and incredibly minor in the grand scheme of things, does not say good things about your way of thinking. Honestly, getting this mad over no apology is kinda rendered moot when Fluttershy started crying alongside Rainbow Dash.
Also, being vanilla kind isn’t always going to solve problems either, I mean, what if you encounter a person who takes advantage of your kindness and isn’t going to stop doing so? What are you going to do then?
Even if that was the case, he’s not likely going to find someone who shares this sentiment with him, due to his, dare I say it, warped view of the show.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Also, since no one is going to point this out…
That’s because being an asshole/douche/jerk is part of Rainbow’s character. When she starts acting like that during an episode, many people just let it slide under the radar as RD being her usual self. Unless the episode is written by Merriwether Williams, of course.
That does not excuse Rainbow from being called out on her behavior. Most of the people I was with while watching this episode, they weren’t excusing Rainbow’s actions because “oh, it’s just part of her character, durrhurr”, they were calling her out because she was being particularly jerkish here for trying to stop Winter. Also, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but RD is regularly dissed by the fandom for various moments. From her “Leroy Jenkins” attitude in Dragonshy, to her showboating in Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, to her trading off Fluttershy for a Daring Do book in Trade Ya! (even though RD wasn’t really paying attention at the time), RD is often given poop by the fandom for these actions. Not only because she was acting out of line, but also it’s normally in human nature to revile such behavior.
TL;DR, Being a jerk doesn’t make characters immune from people calling them out on their buttholery.
Greg Universe

Absolutely not. Fluttershy was using tough love, and had Dash’s best interests at heart.
But even if she was genuinely being a jerk (And in this episode, she wasn’t), that’s no reason to want to hurt her. All of the ponies have been inconsiderate toward each other at one time or another; That’s human nature, we all have our bad days where we’re unpleasant.
I think I’ll leave you with a quote from Twilight to Rarity, after one of her less-than-pleasant days:  
“Last night we may not have seen you at your best, but we know you. And we would never let one thing like that change how we feel about you.”
Duck - Does Anypony Else even feel like Reading What I Say?
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
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*Durgon Noises*
Hmm…I guess that explains why artists like d0ntst0pme like to portray her dead, among other reasons (Also, before you ask, no I’m not gonna portray Fluttershy like that in any of my future pieces.).
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